Lemons and limes are highly acidic citrus fruits. Limes are small, round, and green, while lemons are usually larger, oval-shaped, and bright yellow. Both fruits are sour, but lemons tend to be sweeter, while limes have a more bitter flavor.
These flavor differences typically drive their different culinary uses. Lemon juice, rind, and zest are used as a garnish in a variety of dishes. It is also used in making desserts, marmalades, and drinks. Lemon helps to reduce bloating, stimulates bowel movements, and the high amount of citric acid in it prevents sore throat.
Limes, however, are used as the basis of Thai cooking because they give the sharp sourness and zesty flavor that Thai people so love. Thai limes are similar to key limes, small in size but packed with flavor and juice. But if you live in a country where only lemons are available, substituting lemon for lime is never a crime.
Fun fact: There are 3 different types of limes you might have come across. Read along and see if you can recognize them!
Tahitian limes: Big with dimpled skins. Since they are the most juicy of all widely-available limes, they are also the best ones to use for recipes that call for fresh lime juice.
Mexican limes: Smaller than Tahitian limes and have smoother skin.
Key limes: Small as golf ball size with less consistent green shading (sometimes yellow).
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